A table with a laptop, notebook, and a pen, to help keep track of the Important Events and Special Days in Sri Lanka for 2021

Sri Lanka is simply a land like no other. It offers everything that you wish for. If you love to soak up the sun by the blue waters, Sri Lanka offers you miles of golden stretches. If you are driving to explore the wilderness and the thrill of the wildlife, Sri Lanka has got it covered. And why not? If you love to discover its ancient grandeur, the religious places, its culture, and the traditions, together with its arts and crafts are ready to delight you. So, Sri Lanka offers you several things to do, and its marvels never disappoint you. Therefore, Sri Lanka is now one of the best tourist attractions in the world. Thus, even you might be counting days to arrive on this land. If so, there are a few things that you need to consider. The weather and the important events and days in Sri Lanka! 

Of course, there are quite a number of important days and special events in the calendar of Sri Lankan. Most of them are public holidays. Sometimes you might find them the best days to travel since the roads might be less crowded. Still, if you are planning on visiting an office or a department, you might be a little considerate of this fact. Generally, some of the important authorities of tourism in Sri Lanka might not be functioning on these special days. Hence, it is important that you get to know about these days, prior to your planning. So, why not? Let us check out what the important events and special days in Sri Lanka are!

What are the important events and special days in Sri Lanka?

In brief, special events and days in Sri Lanka cover a wide range. The following table would prove this fact.  

Special Events Day of celebration in 2021
Dawn of the New Year1st January, 2021 
Thaipongal Festival14th January, 2021
Duruthu Full Moon Poya Day28th January, 2021
Duruthu Maha PeraheraTo be announced
Independence Day4th February, 2021 
Navam Full Moon Poya Day26th February, 2021 
Maha Shivaratri Festival 11th March, 2021
Madin Full Moon Poya Day28th March, 2021
Good Friday2nd April, 2021 
Easter Sunday4th April, 2021 
Sinhala and Tamil New Year14th April, 2021 
Bak Full Moon Poya Day26th April, 2021 
May Day1st May, 2021
Eid-Al-Fliltr13th May, 2021
Vesak Full Moon Poya Day26th May, 2021 
Poson Full Moon Poya Day24th June, 2021
Eid-Al-Adha20th July, 2021
Esala Full Moon Poya Day23rd July, 2021
Nikini Full Moon Poya Day22nd August, 2021 
The Grand Procession of Esala Perahera Festival24th August, 2021
Binara Full Moon Poya Day20th September, 2021 
Milad-Un-Nabi festival19th October, 2021 
Vap Full Moon Poya Day20th October, 2021
Deepavali Festival4th November, 2021
Ill Full Moon Poya Day`18th November, 2021
Unduvap Full Moon Poya Day18th December, 2021
Christmas25th December, 2021 

Some of them come into the fore with a cultural significance. Meanwhile, some hold a national value. Whatever they are, their significance is worth exploring.    

A Quick Overview on the Important Events and Special Days in Sri Lanka – 2021

By now, you already know what the important events and special days in Sri Lanka are.  After knowing them, you might even be more excited to know more about these special events. Keep calm! We are ready to help you figure out all about them. Their significance, when they take place, and how Sri Lankans spend those days! You can find them all below. Especially, to help with your plans we thought of exploring the important events and special days in Sri Lanka month by month. Continue reading and get to know all about them!  

Important Days and Special Events in January, 2021

As a new year kicks off, January happens to be a month of celebrations, and new opportunities. Thus, the month of January is obviously exceptional. However, the special events in Sri Lanka in the month of January are as follows. 

Dawn of the New Year – 2021

When the clock hits midnight on the 31st December, Sri Lankans celebrate the new year with much delight and enthusiasm. 

  • Date of Celebration: Friday, 1st of January, 2021
  • Significance: Dawning of a new year according to the Gregorian calendar.
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: Generally, all Sri Lankans visit their religious places. Catholics and Christians attend the mass either on December 31st, or January 1st. Buddhists visit temples, on either of the days. Hindus also visit shrines and involve get blessed. Duly, all of them yearn for blessings, for a prosperous and wonderful new year. Meanwhile, several entertainment events take place with regard as well. Musical shows, family gatherings, and reunions, to celebrate the dawn of a new year are common in general. However, January 1st is not a public holiday. Sri Lankans enjoy the indispensable ‘Kiribath’ plate in the morning, wish each other, and begin their day to day work with new hopes for a better future. 
Thai Pongal Festival

Thai Pongal is simply a thanksgiving festival of Hindu people worldwide. However, the day it falls might differ from a year to another. Nevertheless, Hindu people all over Sri Lanka celebrate it with much delight. 

  • Date of Celebration: Thursday, 14th January 2021
  • Significance: The main motive behind this festival is to pay tribute to the sources that helped them with the harvest. Meanwhile, it also signifies the start of the sun’s journey northbound.
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: Thaipongal is indeed one of the most glamorous festivals in the Sri Lankan calendar. Moreover, it offers an ideal opportunity to witness the enchantments of the Hindu artistic traditions. Hindus never forget to adore their houses with ‘kolam patterns’, as well as from banana leaves. Further, they take part in the holy masses at the Hindu shrines, dress in vibrant attires, make traditional sweets, share them and enjoy the day. Apart from that, Hindus mainly consider ‘The God of Surya’, and cattle as the main sources that helped them gain the harvest. So, they follow a series of rituals to tribute them. Following the rituals and religious activities, they bathe and decorate their cattle the next day. Moreover, they treat them in the best way possible. And something to note! Thai Pongal is a public holiday in Sri Lanka.   
Duruthu Full Moon Poya Day

This happens to be the first poya day of the year, in the month of January. The traditional Sinhalese calendar introduces this month as ‘Duruthu’. Thus, the term ‘Duruthu Full Moon Poya Day’, is still in use.  

  • Date of Celebration: Thursday, 28th January 2021
  • Significance: It was on a day like that the Lord Buddha first arrived in Sri Lanka, hundreds of centuries back.
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: Sri Lankan Buddhists visit temples, and involve themselves in religious activities on this Poya day. Meanwhile, some observe Sil. However, religious activities such as sermons, ‘Bodhi Pooja’, and meditation programs, are common throughout the day. Besides, Duruthu Full Moon Poya day is a public holiday in Sri Lanka
Duruthu Perahera Festival

Duruthu Perahera festival and the Duruthu Full Moon Poya day are indeed closely related. The below section would help you know all about it. 

  • Date of Celebration: Three days focusing on the Duruthu Full Moon Poya day each year. However, the final day of the celebration is the grandest. The date for the Duruthu Maha Perahera festival for the year 2021 is yet to be announced.   
  • Significance: Duruthu Maha Perahera festival commemorates Lord Buddha’s first visit to Sri Lanka.  
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: Duruthu Maha Perahera is a grand procession that takes place focusing on the Kelaniya Raja Maha Viharaya. Simply, it happens to be a glamorous festival, with colorful illuminations, and numerous cultural events. Groups of traditional dancers, singers, fire jugglers, together with the jeweled elephants take its grandeur to another level. However, this magnificent parade goes along the paths around Kelaniya Raja Maha Viharaya, in the close vicinity of Colombo. As it manifests the unique Sri Lankan heritage, it not only allures Sri Lankans with its splendors but also tourists from worldwide. However, there are no specific public holidays declared for Duruthu Maha Perahera, but most probably it will fall on a public holiday since it takes place focusing on the Full Moon Poya day that month.  

Important Events and Special Days in February, 2021

February happens to be a pleasant month with a few special events in the Sri Lankan calendar. You can find below the highlights of the month of February.    

Independence Day

Sri Lankans celebrate Sri Lanka’s national day, or rather the independence day with pride for nearly 72 years now. It is indeed one of the most important days in the Sri Lankan calendar. Of course, it draws the attention of foreign nations as well. 

  • Date of Celebration: Thursday, 4th February 2021 
  • Significance: Commemorates the day in 1948, that Sri Lanka established self-rule achieving independence from the British rule.   
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: Mostly, the national celebration of Independence Day takes place at Independence Square, in Colombo. Several national and international distinguished guests grace this occasion. Cultural events and the military parades further enhance the charm of this ceremony. Further, the president’s speech on this occasion is the main highlight of the day. Apart from that, the celebration also observes two minutes of silence in the memory of the forefathers of Sri Lanka, for their great efforts behind the struggle of establishing freedom in this land. All Sri Lankans join hands with the celebration, by hoisting the national flag at their houses. The Independence Day of Sri Lanka is a public holiday.  
Navam Full Moon Poya Day

Poya days are decided according to the lunar months. Thus, in some years, the Navam Full Moon Poya day falls at the end of January. However, in the year 2021, Navam Full Moon Poya day is in February itself. 

  • Date of Celebration: Friday, 26th February 2021 
  • Significance: Commemorates the appointment of the first two chief disciples (Aggasavakes) of Lord Buddha. Also, it was on a day as such the Lord Buddha declared the fundamental ethical precepts for the monks.
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: As same as in other poya days, Buddhists visit temples, and involve in religious activities. As you might already know, this Navam Full Moon Poya Day is also a public holiday in Sri Lanka. Yet, most of the restaurants and shopping complexes are open on poya days. Still, the liquor shops will be closed. 

Important Events and Special Days in  March, 2021

The month of March in 2021 happens to be a much glamorous month when compared to February. Keep reading and you will realize in a moment why we say so. 

Maha Shivaratri Festival 

Maha Shivaratri Festival is one of the most dazzling festivals of Hindus. It generally comes in the months of February, or March. However, in 2021, Hindus celebrate Maha Shivaratri in March. 

  • Date of Celebration: Thursday, 11th March 2021 
  • Significance: The main motive of Hindus behind this festival is to celebrate the existence of God Shiva. Apart from that, they believe that a number of important incidents in their history took place on a day as such.  
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: This is simply a festival that couples both devoutness and enchantment. Hindus pay more attention to religious activities within this period. They chant prayers, meditate, and commemorate the Great Lord Shiva.  Meanwhile, Hindu shrines overflow with colorful shades on this day as the Hindus take part in prayers dressing in vibrant colors. After all, it is one of the most special days in Sri Lanka, that fascinates anyone who experiences this festival with its grandeur. Further, Maha Shiva Ratri day is a public holiday in Sri Lanka
Madin Full Moon Poya Day

Buddhists in Sri Lanka celebrate Madin Full Moon Poya Day with much devoutness each year. Moreover, it emerges as an ideal day for them to commemorate the significant events of the life of Buddha. 

  • Date of Celebration: Sunday, 28th March 2021 
  • Significance: It was on a day like such that Lord Buddha visited the royal palace, for the first time after his enlightenment.     
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: As the same as on other poya days, Buddhists visit temples, offer flowers, and listen to Dhamma preachings on this day. Moreover, Madin Full Moon poya day is a public holiday in Sri Lanka.  

Important Events and Special Days in  April, 2021

The month of April is simply one of the most awaited times of the year for Sri Lankans. As this month dawns, not only the majority of the Sri Lankans but also the surroundings get ready for this festivity gradually. Nature gets enlivened with vibrant flowers, greenery, and prosperity. However, there are a number of special events taking place in Sri Lanka during this month of April. They are as follows.  

Good Friday

This is one of the special events in Sri Lanka for Christians and Catholics. Further, it is the first catholic event in the Sri Lankan calendar. It comes in the month of April, and its importance is as follows. 

  • Date of Celebration: Friday, 2nd April 2021 
  • Significance: It is the day that commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus. 
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: It was in the evening on a day like such, that Jesus’ crucifixion took place. Hence, almost all Christians and Catholics gather at the church at noon on Good Friday and participate in the church services. Some churches might even re-enact the last hours of Jesus observing the hardships that he faced. And some consider it a mourning day. However, Good Friday is a public holiday in Sri Lanka. Still, most of the commercial and business sectors do not stand still on this day. 
Easter Sunday 

As well as the other countries, Sri Lankan Christians also celebrate Easter Sunday. Still, slight changes might be there in celebrations and traditions. 

  • Date of Celebration: Sunday, 4th April 2021 
  • Significance: Christian world observes the Risen Christ on this day.
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: In the larger cities like Colombo, of course, Easter is celebrated on a grand scale. Churches conduct masses, and even catholic families plan gatherings. And the special thing is families with strong catholic backgrounds never forget to make this day an opportunity to discuss Jesus. Moreover, easter celebration is more commercialized in areas like Colombo as well. The majority of luxurious hotels offer easter breakfasts and celebration packages. However, as you might already know, more than 80% of the Sri Lankans belong to other religions. Owing to this fact, easter celebrations are not that common in the rural areas of Sri Lanka. It might be a typical business day for the rest of the country. Moreover, Easter is not a public holiday in Sri Lanka. Still, it is a day of observance. So, Catholics make it an opportunity to help the people in need and further enhance the morals of the day. 
Sinhala and Tamil New Year Day

Sinhala and Tamil New Year happens to be a significant event in Sri Lanka. It is also famous as the ‘Sinhala and Hindu Aluth Awurudda’. 

  • Date of Celebration: Wednesday, 14th April 2021 
  • Significance: Celebrates the movement of Sun from Pisces to Aries, marking the dawn of a new year according to astrology. 
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: Sinhala and Tamil New Year is simply a symbol of unity among Sri Lankans. Even though this event is mainly for Sinhala and Tamil people, other communities also join hands with them in celebrations. Thus, it clearly shows the harmonious entanglements of the Sri Lankan lives and cultural values. The rituals of the festival start from the previous day, which means the 13th of April. Thenceforth, a series of rituals take place for a few days. The main significance of this festival is all Sri Lankans performing these rituals at the same auspicious time. Apart from that, Sinhalese and Tamils make traditional food, share them, and visit relatives. Generally, the celebrations and the festivity remains for a week or two. The Sinhala and Tamil New Year day, and the day prior to it are public holidays in Sri Lanka. Moreover, this celebration falls during school vacations. Therefore, this season brings families all around Sri Lanka together. Meanwhile, it creates an opportunity to preserve the wonderful Sri Lankan traditions for the future generations as well.      
Bak Full Moon Poya Day

Bak Full Moon Poya day, which falls in April, is indeed special for the Sri Lankan Buddhist devotees. Keep reading to find out why we say so!

  • Date of Celebration: Monday, 26th April 2021 
  • Significance: Observes Lord Buddha’s second visit to Sri Lanka, on his 5th year of enlightenment. 
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: The Sri Lankan Buddhists observe this day with piousness. Crowded temples and people having more attention to religious activities are common sights on this poya day.  Bak Full Moon Poya day is also a public holiday in Sri Lanka

Important Events and Special Days in  May, 2021

May is indeed one of the most important months for Buddhists. Yes, you guessed it right! It is in the month of May that Buddhists celebrate Vesak. Apart from that, there are quite a number of special events in Sri Lanka that fall within this month. Why not? Let us check out what they are!   

May Day

As same as in many other countries, Sri Lanka celebrates Mayday. It is the best occasion that brings out the workers’ unity as well as their struggles in achieving their rights. 

  • Date of Celebration: Saturday, 1st May 2021 
  • Significance: Commemorates the achievements of the labour movement.
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: Of course, this day is solely dedicated to the working community of the country. Almost all public, private and mercantile institutions offer leave for their workers on this day. Simply, it is a public holiday. Also, this is a day where the topic of workers’ rights comes on stage at its peak. Various political parties in Sri Lanka organize May rallies in different areas with several themes. Nevertheless, all of them highlight the struggles of the working community, while paying tribute to the past community leaders who actively took part in the mission of creating a better world for the working community.

In brief, this celebration marks the end of one of the holiest months for Muslims. This is also famous as the celebration of the Ramadan Period. 

  • Date of Celebration: Thursday, 13th May 2021. 
  • Significance: Marks the start of the Islamic month of Shawwal, after ending the Ramadan period.
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: This is the day that the Muslims break their fast, which continued daily for more than a month. Further, they pay more attention to religious activities during this Ramadan month. Muslims spend most of their day praying and observing their religious values. Meanwhile, they make it an ideal opportunity to distribute their Zakat Money to the people in need. They visit mosques more frequently. Finally, on this day, they attend the prayers at their shrines and conclude the fasting period. Following these rituals, Muslims get together, enjoy special meals, and celebrate the festivity of this Eid-Al-Fliltr with their families.  
Vesak Full Moon Poya Day

Vesak Full Moon Poya Day is the most sacred festival of Buddhists in Sri Lanka. They celebrate it with much devoutness and charm. 

  • Date of Celebration: Wednesday, 26th May 2021. 
  • Significance: Observes Lord Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment, and Parinibbana
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: Vesak is obviously more special than the other Full Moon Poya days that fall in each month. Of course, Buddhists gather at the temples and involve themselves in normal religious activities. Yet, the sil programs, preachings of Dhamma, and the other religious activities tend to be on a more grand scale on this day. Further, Buddhists make it an opportunity to practice virtuous deeds. Accordingly, almsgiving and free stalls of food and drink seem to be more common during this season. Along with this decency, Vesak is a glamorous and charming festival as well. Illuminated Vesak decorations further enhance the delight of this festival more and more. Vesak day, as well as the day following the Vesak poya day, are public holidays in Sri Lanka. Unlike on other poya days, not many of the restaurants and shopping malls will be open on this day. Even the business sector would take a break during these days. Moreover, the festivity of this celebration could be seen for a week or two.  

Important Events and Special Days in June, 2021

Generally, the month of June happens to be a little calm and quiet. Yes, it does not have that many special days and celebrations. Yet, the Full Moon Poya day adds a good sense of charm and significance to the entire month. 

Poson Full Moon Poya Day

In brief, the Poson Festival is a celebration that holds a special historical and religious value. Its details are as follows.

  • Date of Celebration: Thursday, 24th June 2021. 
  • Significance: Memorializes the establishment of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. 
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: Apart from Vesak, Poson festival is the most important religious event for Buddhists in Sri Lanka. Hundreds of centuries back, great Arhat Mahinda arrived at the Mihinthale rock on a day as such. He gifted Buddhism to this splendid island that day, and it was on that rock that he held the first Dhamma sermon in Sri Lanka. Therefore, many Buddhists converge at this place in celebrating Poson. Further, almost all other Buddhists island-wide celebrate this festival with much fervour. Sil programs, ‘Bodhi Pooja’, free food stalls, and various other religious programs take place focusing on this day. Going beyond, they also decorate and illuminate their surroundings, making Poson a festival of colour and delight.      

Important Events and Special Days in July, 2021

The month of July, 2021 tends to be significant for Muslims. Let us find out why! 

Eid al-Adha

Eid-al-Adha is one of the Muslim festivals of piety and sanctity. Moreover, it is one of the holiest two days in their calendar.  

  • Date of Celebration: Tuesday, 20th July, 2021. 
  • Significance: Immortalizes the willingness of Ibrahim to follow Allah’s command to sacrifice his son. 
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: Muslims make a series of arrangements in order to celebrate this event. The date of celebration of Eid-al-Adha varies from year to year. Thus, the Muslims wait for the moon sighting in order to plan their celebrations and religious activities. The day of Eid-al-Adha is a public holiday in Sri Lanka. Still, it looks more like a typical business day island wide, except for the areas that hold a high muslim population.  
Esala Full Moon Poya Day

According to Buddhist history, a number of significant events took place on this Esala Full Moon Poya Day. Thus, Buddhists make this day an opportunity to commemorate those special events.

  • Date of Celebration: Friday, 23rd July, 2021. 
  • Significance: There are three main significance on this day.
  1. Commemorating the incident of Prince Siddartha conceiving in the womb of Queen Mahamaya.
  2. Memorializing the Great Renunciation of Prince Siddartha. 
  3. Remembering the day Lord Buddha delivered his first discourse Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta.
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: It is with much devoutness that Buddhists celebrate Esala Full Moon Poya day. A usual, Esala Full Moon Poya day is a public holiday. Buddhists are involved in religious activities similar to the other poya days. Besides, the annual rains retreat of the monks, ‘Vas’, commences on the day following this poya day. 

Important Events and Special Days in August, 2021

August is yet another month with a few special events. Still, the popular Esala Perahera festival makes it a month of delight. 

Nikini Full Moon Poya day

Nikini Full Moon Poya Day is also a special event in Sri Lanka with a number of historical and religious values. Its details are as follows.

  • Date of Celebration: Sunday, 22nd August 2020 
  • Significance: It was on a day as such that, hundreds of centuries back, the first Dhamma Council was held.  
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: On Nikini Full Moon Poya day Sri Lankan Buddhists visit temples and engage in religious activities. Meanwhile, generally, it is in the month of August that the Esela Perera festival concludes. 
Esala Perahera Festival

Sometimes you might have even heard about this fascinating festival. It is that much popular around the world owing to its unique elegance. However, if you are not aware of this festival, just take it easy. We are ready to share about it with you. 

  • Date of Celebration: Saturday, August 14th, 2021 to Tuesday, August 24th, 2021
  • Significance: Pays homage to the Tooth Relic of Lord Buddha.  
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: In brief, it is an alluring festival that features a number of cultural and traditional facets of Sri Lankan heritage. It continues for several days, yet the grand procession creates the most amazing sights. Few thousand traditional drummers, dancers, stilt walkers, and fire jugglers take part in this grand parade. Moreover, the jeweled tuskers along with the main tusker who carry the Tooth Relic on an adorned casket further enhance the delight of this celebration. This festival, which holds both a historical and religious value, takes place at Kandy. Thus, many Sri Lankans gather around Kandy during this season to witness the grandeur of this majestic festival. There is no special holiday declared specifically for this festival. Yet, since it is generally held focusing on the Full Moon Poya Day, the day of this festival would most probably happen to be a public holiday.  

Important Events and Special Days in September, 2021

Generally, the only special event that takes place in the month of September is its Full Moon Poya Day. So, let us have a quick glance over its significance. 

Binara Full Moon Poya Day

Binara Full Moon Day is also an important day in the Sri Lankan calendar. You can find more details about it below.

  • Date of Celebration: Monday, 20th September 2021
  • Significance: Commemorates the establishments of Bhikkhuni Sasana or the order of the Female Buddhist Monastic.
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: As usual, Binara Full Moon poya day is a public holiday. Hence, Sri Lankan Buddhists make it an opportunity to spend a few hours with the religion. Sil Programs, Dhamma preachings, and meditations programs are common island-wide during this poya day as well. 

Important Events and Special Days in October, 2021

The month of October in 2021 is simply a holy month for Muslims. Let us check out the reasons behind it!

Milad-Un-Nabi Festival

Milad-Un-Nabi festival is the last special event in the Islamic calendar. Moreover, since the date of the festival gets fixed according to the Islamic calendar, the day of the celebration might change from year to another. 

  • Date of Celebration: Tuesday, 19th October 2021
  • Significance: Memorializes the birth of Prophet Muhammad
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: There is also a belief that both the birth and death of Prophet Muhammad happened on the same day. However, this was a festival that was celebrated with much festivity in the past. Muslim families have made it an opportunity to get together, enjoy meals, and to have a real celebration with pleasure. Yet, in the present many families tend to be away from that culture. Some Muslims attend the religious activities that take place in the mosques, raise the flags, and observe the life of Prophet Muhammad. Nevertheless, it happens to be a typical day for most of the Sri Lankans even though it is a public holiday.      
Vap Full Moon Poya Day

Vap Full Moon Poya day is also a significant day in the calendar of Buddhists. Its speciality is as follows. 

  • Date of Celebration: Wednesday, 20th October 2021
  • Significance: It was on a day as such that Lord Buddha, ended his seventh (Vassana) retreat for the rainy season since his enlightenment.  
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: Vap Full Moon Poya day being a public holiday, many Buddhists visit temples and involve themselves in religious activities. Moreover, this is the day on which the monks conclude the annual rains retreat, ‘Vas’. Parades and almsgiving take place at temples with this regard. 

Important Events and Special Days in September, 2021

The month of November is special for Hindus, and it is simply a dazzling month. Let us find out why!

Deepavali Festival

Deepavali festival, also known as the ‘Festival of Light’ is indeed one of the special events in Sri Lanka that brightens up the country. Its significance is as follows. 

  • Date of Celebration: Thursday, 4th November 2021
  • Significance: Hindus honor Goddess Lakshmi through this festival.
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: Deepawali, also famous as ‘Diwali’, is a special event that Hindus long for each year. They celebrate it with much glamour and festivity. They dress in vibrant colors, attend the feasts at the shrines, and then enjoy the day with their loved ones. The ‘light’ holds a special place with regard to this festival. Duly, Hindus light up oil lamps or candles, with the aim of dawning a brighter era, simply, wishing light over darkness. Further, they decorate their households with kolam patterns in addition to the illuminations. Hence, Diwali happens to be one of the brightest and glamorous festivals in Sri Lanka. Besides. Deepavali is a public holiday in Sri Lanka. As you might already know, most of the Tamils in Sri Lanka are from Eastern, and Northern provinces and from certain parts of Colombo. Thus, those are the areas that hold the festivity of Diwali at its peak.     
Ill Full Moon Poya Day

This is yet another full moon day in the Buddhist calendar, and one of the special events in Sri Lanka indeed. Its details are as follows. 

  • Date of Celebration: Thursday, 18th November 2021
  • Significance: There are a number of significance of this poya day. Among them, the most important is the announcement of the future Buddha-hood of Maitreya Bodhisattva. 
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: As you already know, Ill Full Moon Poya day is also a public holiday in Sri Lanka. Buddhists spend the day with devoutness, while many take part in religious activities.  

Important Events and Special Days in December, 2021

Of course, you guessed it right! The month of December holds a high festivity owing to the Christmas festival. Yet, it is not the only festival in Sri Lanka. Let us find out what others are!

Unduvap Full Moon Poya Day

Unduvap Full Moon-Poya Day also holds a significant place among the special events in Sri Lanka. Its details are as follows.

  • Date of Celebration: Saturday, 18th December 2021
  • Significance: It was on a day as such that the Ven Sangamitta Theri arrived in Sri Lanka, with the sacred Bo Sapling of Jaya Sri Maha Bodhiya.
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: As it is a public holiday, Buddhists visit temples, offer flowers, and involve themselves in religious activities. Sil Programmes, meditation programs, as well as sermons are common around the island.  

Of course, Christmas is a popular celebration all around the world. Catholics and Christians in Sri Lanka also celebrate Christmas with much glamour and festivity. 

  • Date of Celebration:  Saturday, 25th December 2021
  • Significance: Commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.
  • How Sri Lankans Celebrate: On the eve of the previous day, Christians and Catholics in Sri Lanka gather at the church to attend the midnight mass. As the clock strikes, the mass is held, and afterward, they wish each other and celebrate the dawn of Christmas. This specific day happens to be a day of joy and excitement. Christmas feasts are common within the day. They dress in elegant attires, share sweet-meats with loved ones, and enjoy Christmas with much fun and laughter. Meanwhile, they also never forget to help the people in need. Thus, Christmas also brings out the true values of the religion. Apart from that, Christmas is indeed a season of glamour owing to the decorations and illuminations Catholics do. Hence, Christmas is a festival that is loved by all Sri Lankans, and it is a public holiday. Thus, even non-Catholics join hands in celebrating this festival. 

The Bottom Line

Just this simple read might have proved to you the fact that Sri Lanka is a land like no other. Yes, of course, it has always got some sort of a miraculous delight for you. Besides, these amazing celebrations and special events in Sri Lanka might help you decide the best time to visit Sri Lanka. However, the nature of the celebrations might vary owing to natural disasters, and unexpected emergencies in the country. Therefore, make sure to do a small research on it prior to your visit, if you are especially aiming on experiencing any of these special events in Sri Lanka. Even the website of the Department of Metrology, Sri Lanka will help you with it.

After all, why not? If you ever plan to backpack any sooner, Sri Lanka might be the ideal choice for you.  Plan your journey to this splendid island. Witness yourself the delight, and the elegance of these special events in Sri Lanka!